My "Toy" Story
This is a picture of Zelda holding a wood chip to re- enact a sword looking out into the distance hunting for a monster. It is photographed from ground level. I titled this picture preparation and hunting because she is preparing to fight and
hunt :)
This is a picture of Zelda hiding behind a flower, from a giant monster (The hand on the left). It is photographed from a bird angle. I titled this Hide and seek death because if she gets seeked she is risking her life :0

This picture of Zelda on a tree branch is titled exploration and observation. I titled it because she is observing over the land below and ahead of her. It is photographed from an eye level angle.

This picture of Zelda on top of a plant is called sprouting out towards reality. I titled it this because the camera angle, which is high level looks like she is coming out from hiding and is sprouting out! This picture could also mean maturity and growth, not everything can go her way and realizes the harsh reality of her world.