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 Composite Photography

Levitation Composite
" Paparazzi "
levitation1 copy.jpg
Invisibility Composite
" Fence Spirit "

1. To start the project, I decided to brainstorm and look for ideas online. Using many websites online such as getty images for ideas. Then my partner and I went outside and started photographing! For the levitation, we used a stool as a prop and had my model hold a camera to kind of re-enact as a paparazzi photographer. The editing process did not take too long to finish, which included masking the stool the model was laying on and removing any imperfections and shadows that were made by the stool. The grass was moving which made it hard but I masked it. But I would like to change the physics of the photo, such as the jacket being flat and defying physics. For Invisibility, I decided to have the model go behind a fence and have her look like she is in the fence. Hence the name “Fence Spirit”. The editing process took a while since I was experimenting with the masking tool and masking things to have it look more appealing. I think the confusing but cool part I did was mask the model’s eyes. It’s hard to see but it is masked! 


 2. Layer masks are layers that consist of the background and the subject in the background. You are masking the subject photo and replacing the flaws with the background photo. It is temporarily removing it but it is not erasing it. I will use Layer masks in the future when doing projects in photoshop to erase any items/objects I don’t want, even flaws. Or to even create an illusion to have people analyze it.


3. I believe that my project was successful, I have done everything I needed to do and followed instructions! I was able to finish photographing in time and was able to photoshop with enough time. 


4. The level of mastery my project demonstrates between “Exceeds” and “Meets”. For the levitation, I could have used more props and thought about physics. My levitation photo would be a “Meet” Standard. For my invisibility, I thought about patterns in the fences for masking, creating a mirrored pattern as you can see on the photo. The photo is nicely photoshopped, so “Exceeds” Standard.

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