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Lighting Patterns


Top Lighting

Front Lighting

Side Lighting

Back Lighting

Soft Lighting

Hard Lighting

Split lighting
Butterfly lighting
Rembrandt lighting
Rim lighting
Loop lighting






1. My overall strengths of this project was doing Loop, as it is more pleasing to the eye and loop is easy to spot. Rembrandt was also shown easily and is a good example of it. The editing did make it easier to see the types of lighting and the photos look more pleasing to the eye. 

2. Improvements that could be made would be the editing on rim, I wasn't really sure how to darken the background and couldn't do much but rim is shown in the back. The editing should have been improved. 

3. What I learned about lighting patterns is that different types of lighting can change the model's expression and the mood of the photo. Soft lighting blends in with the texture and it makes the texture smooth, shadows are less harsh when soft lighting is being used. Hard lighting is more dramatic and shows detail on the texture, the shadows are harsh and do not blend with the skin- creating dramatic effects on the photo. 

4. The egg practice "eggcersice" helps with the lighting patterns. The texture on the eggs can act as skin, the hair folicals, grooves, and details.are important as it can change the perspective of the photo. 

5. The egg lab and the portrait lab were similar because whatever lighting patterns we did from the egg project they were similar to the portrait lab lighting. The egg is sort of shaped like a person's head, so using the information we gained from the egg lab we can put it towards the portrait lab and get the same results. But, the lighting patterns from the egg lab we were instructed to do were different. The lighting patterns used for the portrait labs were suited for a person's face with a nose. 

6. Lighting plays a huge role in photography. It sets the mood of the photo, whether it be in a dark room and the subject is only being lighted it could set a dramatic scene or even in daylight where it feels bright and not so eerie. Lighting gives luminescence to the subject and your eyes are naturally drawn to that bright shining light. 

7. Lighting is the foundation of photography, since it sets the atmosphere and once again- the mood of the photo. For portraits, it will defintely be useful for different poses and skin textures. It can also be used on cars to block out something- either a scratch or dent or to focus on a specific point like the logo or decal of the car. The different types of lighting for portraits changes the viewer's perspective and assuming story of the photo. 

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